Google and Clusty
Google is biiiiiig.
Google is so big that the only way to balance a basketball game where Google is on one side, is to have Big Mama on the other.
In a couple of years, phone books will morph into electronic devices just so that they can use a Google Search Bar within the phonebook.
Within the next year, the Amish will start using the word google as a part of their vocabulary.
Heck, this site is run by Google!
But, Grasshopper, is your Clusty Kung-Fu strong?
Frankly, I prefer searching using Clusty.
Clusty is a clustering engine, actually.
I'll let the guys over at Clusty do the talking:
And this is what a search for the word tsunami showed. (check out the categorized links on the left)
Clusty used to be Vivisimo a while back. I used to visit that site a lot...but they have a new image now and a name that's a lot easier to remember.
TNL Radio (good radio station, though, they mostly play rock) once had this show (Haze was the DJ if I'm not mistaken) where they were discussing Search Engines. Being the true geek that I am, I called them up and Haze put me on air and I did mention Vivisimo (Clusty was still being created at the time) while using web-savy terms to describe things just so that I could scare anyone listening (aren't we supposed to do that?)
Well, anyway, I would consider using Clusty more often, for research, if I was you :)
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